Marbella Hospitals

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Hospitals in Marbella

There are a growing number of hospitals in Marbella and the Costa del Sol which cater to both the Spanish community and expatriates living on the coast. Private hospitals are growing in Marbella along with the rising number of international families in the region. The main public hospital in the area is Costa del Sol Hospital. 

Marbella hospitals are considered to be very good by most residents, offering highly experienced medical practitioners, modern medical equipment, emergency units, and delivery facilities. Most are used to handling foreigners and offer translators or have multilingual staff. The private hospitals cater largely to foreigners and are thus more likely to have staff fluent in English, German or French.

Marbella hospitals

Helicopteros Sanitarios is a rapid-response emergency services organisation headquarterd in Marbella which offers on-site professional medical services in English to thousands of families on the Costa del Sol.

Hospiten Estepona is a private hospital in Estepona providing extensive healthcare services to international families on the Costa del Sol. The Hospital staff includes multi-lingual care givers and the facility is equipped with the latest technology in a wide variety of specialised disciplines.

Hospital Ceram in Marbella is among the region's most modern medical centres, offering the full range of medical practitioners, private hospital care and a specialised centre for reproduction. 

Vithas Hospital Xanit Internacional is lead by prestigious professionals at a national and international level. They have three different locations along the Costa del Sol to make sure they are always near you.

Marbella Medical and Dental Clinic was founded in 1985 and offers complete medical and hospitalisation services in the heart of Nueva Andalucia.

Clinica Excelan provides home doctor and emergency medical services on demand, 24 hours per day for members and non-members alike from Estepona all the way to La Cala de Mijas.

Costa del Sol Hospital

Address: Autovía A-7 Km 187, 29603 Marbella 

Tel: +34 951 976 669 or +34 951 976 670 

USP Hospital

Address: Avda. Severo Ochoa, 22. 29603 Marbella 

Telephone: +34 952 774 200 

For feedback directly from the community on Marbella hospitals, check out this blog on Delivering on the Costa del Sol. We highly recommend you take the time to research which hospital is appropriate for you based on your family needs. Some hospitals offer private tours to introduce you to their staff and address their customer care processes, which is a great way to get to know them before an emergency.

Do you have any feedback regarding your experience at one of Marbella's hospitals? Let us know about it using our Share a Tip feature or leave a comment on the Facebook comments section, below. We'd love to share your experience with the community! 

Comments regarding Marbella Hospitals

Deniz's family (Marbella) grade: 7.0

Mom: I delivered a baby two months ago at the Costa del Sol hospital and I honestly have mixed feelings about the delivery process. In general, I have to say that I had a good experience and must've just been very lucky. 

When my waters broke I rushed to the hospital in the evening and was attended to quite quickly. I had an amazing nurse who helped me through quite a serious situation as my baby had her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck. I was a bit taken aback as instead of an obstetrician I got an English nurse, but she proved to be very well trained and delivered my baby safely. 

Unfortunately, I know of someone who went through the exact same procedure with the same problem on the same day and the mother was't so lucky. Her child's umbilical cord became a serious complication and the baby is now handicapped. I also know of another who delivered recently at the Costa del Sol and when she arrived in the evening with major contractions she was given a huge dose of an epidural and told to go to bed. When she woke in the morning she was surrounded by young staff who apparently had no idea what to do. They struggled to deliver the baby by pushing, foreceps, and every other procedure they could think of, but since she had so much of the epidural she was delivering to no avail. Finally, the Costa del Sol hospital called an experienced doctor and he delivered a very traumatized baby. She's now told to hold answer the baby's every cry and hold it tightly to try and reverse the effects of all the trauma. 

It's really sad and I am so sorry for these patients. I just have to consider myself lucky. So I wouldn´t really recommend delivering at the Costa del Sol. You're probably better off going to USP hospital Marbella. Grade: 7.0

Medical Language Translators and Interpreters  

Marbella Translators

Marbella Translators is a professional translation company specialised in services related to the medical and legal industries. This is the agency to contact when you need precise translation services.