Marbella Kids' Corner

This is the place for Marbella kids and their friends to express themselves and share comments, interests or whatever they feel like....

What do Marbella children think? What are their favorite hobbies? What Marbella attractions or activities do they like? Do they have great memories or pictures of Marbella? What games do they play?...

In this corner, our kids and their friends will be able to post their own pages (almost unedited!). We want children to express their creative side, but aim to keep it clean, interesting and relevant to other kids in Marbella and around the world.

So if you are a kid and want to share some information or experience with us, just send it to us. We will review it and post it if we feel it is appropriate.

Here are some pages from our kids and their friends:

Markian's top 5: A compilation of some top 5 lists by an 11 year old boy from Marbella.

Marbella top 5: A compilation of some top 5 lists by a 9 year old girl from Marbella.

Our Kids' favorite jokes.

The Box of Kindess - short story by Kalina.

I Wish... - poem by Markian.


We have created a forum where kids can chat about a more serious topic - cyberbullying

If you have been bullied online or through your mobile phone, then you might want to share your experience with us at our Cyberbullying Forum. All postings and personal information is anonymous. 

If you are not sure what cyberbullying is, then you can read some articles we have written about it in our resource section.

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