San Pedro beaches

Discover the San Pedro beaches on the west side of Marbella. You were there? Please send us your review and grade. We would love to hear from your family!

San Pedro de Alcantara beach

There are four main beaches in San Pedro Alcantara:

  • Cortijo Blanco beach
  • A short (600m), gravel beach next to the Cortijo Blanco urbanization.

  • San Pedro Alcantara beach
  • A pleasant board walk (1400m) and the widest beach in San Pedro..

  • Linda Vista beach
  • A popular beach (650m) next to the Linda Vista urbanization.

  • Guadalmina beach
  • A long beach (1500m) next to the Guadalmina urbanization.

MarbellaFamilyFun grade: 8.0

Este año, por primera vez, San Pedro ha estado presente en todos los actos de Fitur. Una apuesta optimista y un paso firme y decidido para la promoción turística de nuestro pueblo en una de las ferias de turismo más importantes del mundo.

Posted by Opción Sampedreña on Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Son's evaluation: The San Pedro beaches are very close to my house so I go there quite often with my family on bikes or with my dog. We sometimes go there for school trips. I have a lot of fun putting my feet in the water. But there might be some rocks in the sea. Grade: 9.8

Daughter's evaluation: The San Pedro beach is fun and has lots of kiosks all around the beach. The sea isn´t too cold. It is usually hot enough to have an ice-cream. But sometimes the sea is freezing and it is really windy and it is so cold you wouldn´t want an ice-cream. Grade: 7.0

Mom's evaluation: To be frank, the San Pedro beaches are generally not that great. It's not like the images you may see on some advertisements. They are quite rocky and the sand is not pure white, but more like a dirty gray. But they are still up to standard and are safe to swim in.

The best part of this beach is its friendly boardwalk where you can bike ride, rollerblade or take your dog for a stroll. The policy here is that dogs be kept on their leashes, but not everyone abides by this rule. Dogs are definitely not allowed (even with their leads) on the sand in summer. Personally, I keep my dog off his leash on the boardwalk, but I've been warned that the police have been known to pass out fines for this.

There are about 4 or 5 restaurants along the boardwalk with a no dog entry policy as well, but most of them will let you keep your dog under the table as long as you are outdoors. By far, our favorite restaurant on this boardwalk is Nuevo Reino. They have a lovely terrace with beautiful views right along the beach. The service is excellent and the food is fresh, however pricey. Although, most of the restaurants along the San Pedro boardwalk have similar prices. Lately I have been impressed with Kala Kalua, a small chiringuito (beach restuarant) which is located right on the sand. They really go all out in summer. I understand that this chiringuito is run by Nuevo Reino next door, so it all makes sense now. The restaurant on the other side of Nuevo Reino is La Taberna de la Alabardero, and they have also picked up their game recently. They have a lovely pool where the kids can swim and a bouncy castle they can jump in (high season only) while parents can sip on sangria and have a quiet lunch. Don´t bother with any other restaurants on the San Pedro boardwalk, they´re simply not any good.

The beach itself is usually quiet all year round and has showers right on the sand, some even constructed as huge elephants, as well as public toilets (only open in summer), a children's playground, and now new excercise equipment along the boardwalk in case you get the urge to do a couple of sit ups or chest presses. The beach is public and there is plenty of parking as well as lounge chairs available for rent. Don't forget to bring some cash as your kids will surely beg for an ice cream from one of the many kiosks dotted along the boardwalk. And in case you forgot a beach ball they sell these as well.

The most rocky area is the Cortijo Blanco beach. Some kids like this part as there are plenty of stones to throw in the water. We used to play pirate treasure with these rocks and hide (and mark with a stick!) coins under the biggest ones and tell our kids to find treasure.

The sandiest part of this area is between the San Pedro and Linda Vista beaches. Linda Vista is an old fishing village and you can see plenty of small fishing boats and may even catch some fishermen bringing in their catch. In this area you can also find paddle boats with slides attached to them. You can paddle out in the sea (not too far!) and spend an hour or two sliding and swimming a bit further out.

The Guadalmina beach is mostly rocky, but has a nice restaurant called El Ancla that offers Spanish cuisine alongside both beach and salt water pool. You can check out the review for this place in our restaurant section. Grade: 7.0

Dad's evaluation: The main San Pedro beach is a long stretch of dark sand with plenty of space for everybody, even in summer. I particularly like its boardwalk for a pleasant stroll and an ice cream. Grade: 8.0

Dan's family (Moscow) grade: 9.0

Dad: Excellent place for a walk! Fun cafe with good drinks and great place to watch the sunset .... with the loved ones or with the kids as they can play with the rocks to throw to the to kill off some hours... walk... and talk... not touristic so makes it very pleasant.... Grade: 10

Boy (7 yrs): Great ice cream.... fun walk and playing in the sun. Grade: 8.0

Read more experiences on the San Pedro beach and boardwalk:
Another beautiful morning in San Pedro
Good morning Marbella

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