Stop Smoking Doctor

Do you smoke? The Stop Smoking Doctor method can help you stop puffing and start living with the aid of Dr. Alice Byram, a fully qualified and experienced MD specialised in smoking cessation.

stop smoking doctor

So many smokers don't have the time and energy in their busy lives to dedicate themselves to what is an important lifestyle change. However, stopping smoking in Marbella can be a positive and rewarding experience. The best long-term results are obtained by combining medication and cognitive behaviour therapy. The therapy is all about changing habits and is tailored according to the well documented stages people go through when they quit, such as elation, loss and normalization.

Telephone: +34 669 257 256
Address: Stop Smoking Doctor office is located on Avenida Ricardo Soriano 36. On the ground floor of the international doctors building in the Centro Asistencial Ave maria III.
Twitter: @stopsmokingdr
Facebook: Stop Smoking Doctor


Smell great
Taste life
Increase your sport performance
Beat an addiction
Look great
Feel better
Look after your health
Set a good example for your kids


Each smoker is different but all smokers have one thing in common, their addiction to nicotine. Dr Alice Byram looks at each individual smoker and works out the best medication with the correct dosage to CO levels and nicotine consumption. Nicotine withdrawal syndromes are therefore under control.

Your road to a smoke-free lifestyle is paved with plenty of support so you are not alone. This includes intense virtual follow-ups, face-to-face visits, emails and text messages. The face-to-face follow-up visits focus on cognitive behaviour therapy which alters negative habits and make you a true long-term ex-smoker. Stay motivated with information, tips and facts all posted on the Stop Smoking Doctor website news section, Facebook and Twitter.

First visit:
Smoking and medical history.
Lifestyle check.
Medical physical check.
Lunglife and CO levels. Blood pressure, weight and heart rate.
Choice of quit day.
Personalised treatment plan.
Price 150 euros for one hour visit.

Follow-up visits:
• At 7 days, 14 days, 30 days, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months.
• CO levels, blood pressure and weight making sure that this positive lifestyle    change does not come at the price of a few extra kilos.
• Work through specific situations, which may have been harder than expected.
• Preparation for the next stage in your quit process.
• Virtual follow-up in between the clinic visits by personalised email and sms. In    addition to facebook and twitter. Specifically tailored to your lifestyle and your    stage in the quitting smoking process.
• 400 euros for the full 12 months including all clinic visits and virtual follow-up.


Smell great!

• At the end of the first day your clothes no longer smell of smoke.
• Your non-smoking lover will thank you!
• There are more smokers than non-smokers on dating websites but non-smokers    get more hits.

Taste life
• 48 hours after quitting your taste buds start working again.

Increase your sports performance
• Your lung capacity improves after just 3 days.
• Two weeks later your circulation improves – you'll notice that running and walking    are easier.

Beat an addiction
• After 15 days you are no longer physically addicted to nicotine.
• Social addiction lasts for another few months or even years but you can beat that    with behaviour therapy and coping techniques.

Look great
• Smokers have thicker waistlines.
• No more wrinkles caused by smoking 7 weeks after quit date. Non-smokers have    fewer pimples.
• Yellow nails and yellow teeth disappear.
• Smoking reduces blood flow to hair follicles and leads to hair loss in men and grey    hair in women.

Feel better
• After 8 hours nicotine and carbon monoxide levels have decreased by 50% and    after 48 hours by 100% .
• Energy levels go up. All that carbon monoxide in the blood was making you    sluggish.
• When you laugh you won't have a coughing fit. Smoke irritates the vocal chords    and causes chronic cough.
• No more hangovers … or at least not as bad!

Look after your health
• 20 minutes after your last cigarette your resting heart rate and arterial blood    pressure decrease.
• 3 months into being an ex-smoker you are more resistant to infections.
• Just weeks after quitting you decrease your chances of a heart attack.
• You decrease the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration leading to blindness.

Set a good example for your kids!
• Reduce the chances of your children suffering from asthma, developmental    problems and childhood tumours.
• Make sure your children do as you do and not only as you say.


A fully qualified GP, the Stop Smoking Doctor Alice Byram initially studied Spanish at the University of Cambridge before coming to Spain to undertake her medical studies. Bilingual in French and English from birth she also speaks fluent Spanish and German having undertaken some of her medical studies at the Charite medical faculty in Berlin. Dr. Byram is trained according to the latest international medical guidelines, she has outstanding results when treating smokers with the Stop Smoking Doctor method.

"Helping people to stop smoking is the single most important intervention that I as a doctor can undertake to better my patients' health both immediately and in the long-term.

"I am passionate about making sure that my patients quit for good. Too many smokers have quit for a time only to go back later."


Melanie Coe from Olvera Properties - "I started smoking when I was 16 as part of a party lifestyle. Over the years I tried to quit using different methods especially in the USA. Nothing worked for longer than a few months, if that. Dr Byram really took her time to understand what made me go back in the past and what was making me smoke now. Her approach is eminently practical and she really is there every step of the way. This time I quit for good." Non-smoker for 3 years.

W.O'R Hedge fund investor - "Initially I was very sceptical about going to a doctor to help me quit smoking. I always said that when the time was right I would do it on my own. The truth is that there was never a time in my hectic life when I could allow myself the luxury of being even more stressed nor risk losing clients by being bad-tempered due to nicotine withdrawal. Dr Byram explained that the medication meant I wouldn't physically want the cigarettes. Changing my habits was the bit I had to work on and Dr Byram really understood about how stressful my job is. She was very flexible and even when I couldn't make it into the clinic we had email and phone contact. It has been a lot easier than I thought. I would never have got round to it on my own." Non-smoker for 12 months

C . G. Writer and Musician - "At the begining I thought that I didn't smoke that much, only when I went out in the evenings. But in the end I was smoking more than 10 a day. I was very worried about social situations as before the new law everyone smoked in bars. Dr Byram found the right dosage for me and I didn't even notice other people smoking. She helped me work out why I smoked and I was well prepared for every situation that came up. Now I haven't smoked for over 2 years." Non-smoker for 2 years

K.S. Mother of 2 children under 6 - "Although I stopped smoking when I was pregnant I went back when my first baby was less than one year old. I knew that I shouldn't smoke but I was always too tired to find the energy to quit. Dr Byram really helped me see that smoking was part of the reason I was so tired and showed my carbon monoxide levels on her machine. You can tell that she too is a mother as she helped me find ways of coping and made me realise that my fag breaks were my way of taking some time out. Now I still have the time out but feel better. And I even lost weight!" Non-smoker for 18 months

Read more about Dr. Alice Byram and Stop Smoking Doctor in Marbella.

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