Club de Conversacion Marbella

Club de Conversacion Marbella is an alternative way to learn the Spanish language without the need to study at home, but instead, interact with people about their interests, hobbies and actual themes discussed by the teacher.

marbella conversation club

Club de Conversacion Marbella” offers you an innovative, alternative way of learning a language. Maybe you have grown weary of those same old tried and tested traditional teaching methods- and would much rather polish up your language skills in a chilled and amusing environment. If so, our Club is for you. We run interactive conversational courses in a number of different languages, in which current events and other areas of interest to the group are discussed at length.

Club de Conversacion Marbella” runs courses for elementary, intermediate and advanced students, at a selection of public places in and around Marbella. We get together once a week for an hour and a half's total immersion in English, Spanish or other European languages.

English and Spanish available!
Contact us by mail (info@ccmarbella) or call us on: 657 468 909

Tel: +34 657 468 909
Facebook: Club de Conversación Marbella
Twitter: @clubcmarbella

We believe in a communicative approach; common interest topics are discussed by the group, with students encouraged to share their own experiences and points of view with each other in a second language. "Club de Conversación Marbella", is a great way to spend time together with others and learn Spanish or English with the support of a qualified native teacher.

Test your level in our website and join us for your free trial class!

Pamela (Marbella)

Pamela: "Highly recommended!"

I can highly recommend it ! I go once a week (although you can go twice) and we talk about such interesting things. Today we learned all about the political scandal with Barcenas and enjoyable and a great , relaxed environment with fantastic teachers ! Go for it !...

Fiona (Ireland)

Fiona: "The teachers are inspiring!"

Having attended numerous Spanish language clubs and schools, I had become decidedly demotivated by the whole language-learning exercise...

...A French friend of mine suggested that I join her in the "Club de Conversación Marbella" once a week. I signed up without enthusiasm but have now converted to the ClubConversHood and have become one of the most vocal advocates of this wonderful club.

The teacher(s) are engaging, curious about the world, rigorous in their teaching methods and, dare I say it, inspiring. I now attend two classes per week. The coursework arrives promptly by email in advance of classes, with adequate time to prepare oneself for the next session. Topics include major news items in Spain and internationally, science, health, politics, economics and art.

For all of you language lovers out there who aspire to really understanding the Spanish culture and speaking this beautiful language, the "Club de Conversación Marbella" is for you. Seize the day!

Linda (UK)

Linda: "I wouldn't miss it for the world!"

I joined the Marbella conversation club "Club de Conversación Marbella" earlier this year and although I was extremely nervous to start with...

...I have found that over the months my confidence has improved dramatically. The subjects discussed are really interesting and everyone is incredibly friendly and encouraging. I can't attend all the time as we live in the UK for part of the year but when I'm in Marbella I wouldn't miss it for the world!

Frederique (France)

Frederique: "This club is different."

I have been going to the "Club de Conversacion Marbella" since its start and I honestly think this is good!

...Being French and my husband too, our son goes to an English school, I rarely have a chance to speak Spanish, I mean really speaking.....I have had enough of going to classes and learning about the subjunctive and the different verb tenses, because when came the time to use all this, I got so stressed and seemed to have forgotten it all!!!!!

This club is different in a sense that the main objective is for us to talk but also talk about interesting subjects (or at least to me!), I have learned so much about Spanish politics, Spanish culture and worldwide subjects like the trade of women in China, the fall of Khadafi etc....

If they had a facebook page, I would click on I LIKE!

Tanya (UK)

Tanya: "I look forward to my classes!"

I really enjoy attending the "Club de conversacion Marbella"...

...We meet twice weekly and informally discuss topics - both serious and fun subjects - in an informal atmosphere over a coffee!! The subjects are given to us a few days prior to the class and this gives us all a chance to research what we may like to discuss.

The teachers are always willing to help and happy to discuss queries outside of the class. The class is adapted to suit all levels and we mainly talk for the hour with a little grammar/games thrown in! These classes have certainly improved/increased my vocabulary and sharpened my listening skills.

During the time I have attended I have met all types of people who are also learning the language. They have all been interesting people and we have been able to exchange ideas on language learning skills and tools available to help. I look forward to my classes!!

Maryse (Lebanon)

Maryse: "I love the way the teacher prepares the class."

I always look forward to my Thursdays at the Marbella conversation club "Club de Conversacion Marbella" as the topics we discuss are very interesting and current...

...The mix of people participating makes it even more interesting, and I love the way the teacher prepares the session and directs the discussion.

Cathy (Belgium)

Cathy: "A pleasant school"

For me the club is a pleasant way to improve my Spanish, to talk about interesting subjects with kind persons.

Tricia (UK)

Tricia: "Fast, fun and stimulating!"

The teacher's enthusiasm makes "Club de Conversacion Marbella" fast, fun and stimulating...

...Her methods of teaching help to give confidence in speaking and make sure that everyone participates. The hour passes very quickly and is really enjoyable.

marbella conversation club

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