Popular Art Museum - Malaga

Children will have fun exploring the Popular Art Museum, a renovated former two-story 17th century inn (Mesón de la Victoria) that reveals past customs and ways of the local population.

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Popular Art Museum - Malaga

The Unicaja Popular Art Museum is just the right size for small children and houses many interesting artifacts from the 18th and 19th century that will keep curious minds captive. The museum has two floors with a central patio showcasing rooms dedicated to a bakehouse with old fire oven and wheat mill, grape and olive press, bedrooms showcasing antique furniture, toys, and clothing from the era.

Location: Museo Unicaja de Artes PopularesPasillo de Santa Isabel, 10, Málaga
Hours: Mon-Fri 10:00-1:30 closed for lunch, then 4:00-7:00 (winter) or 5:00-8:00 (summer), Saturday 10:00-1:30.
Price: Adults (14+) - 2 euros, children (0-13) - free.
Tel: +34952 21 71 37

MarbellaFamilyFun grade: 8.5

Son's evaluation: Grade:

Daughter's evaluation: I think this museum is very interesting because you get to see things people used to use in the olden days. I went to this museum as a school trip, the museum was quite small so we had to split into groups and some kids were not with their friends but that did not stop us having a good time at the museum. Grade: 9.0

Mom's evaluation: I visited the Popular Art Museum with my daughter's class on a school trip and found it to be a lovely museum that perfectly held the attention span of all the kids. The museum gave insight as to how Malagueños lived in the 18th and 19th century. The museum is a former inn built in the 17th century and has been nicely renovated so you get an idea of how buildings were made from the era as well.

The staff were very patient with the large number of kids and were very helpful in answering all their questions. And there were a lot of them! There were so many items that kids have never seen in their lives before and had not clue as to what their purpose was. One of the childrens' favorites was the grasshopper cages - teeny tiny birdcage-like boxes that were used to keep peoples' pet grasshoppers.

The museum showed what old-fashioned kitchens used to look like and how people prepared their meals and washed their clothes. Their collection of irons and stands was impressive. The second floor was full of antique furniture and displays of clothing and toys from that period. One of the bedrooms displayed a birthing chair, which also peaked many questions from the kids. All in all, it was a perfectly sized museum that didn't allow the kids to get bored. I wouldn't go out of your way from Marbella to go see it, but if you happen to be in Malaga for other things, by all means, stop in and take a peek. It won't take you more than an hour to go through. Grade: 8.0

Dad's evaluation: Grade:

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