Occupational health nurse, Wellness consultant & Advanced yoga teacher

by Deirdre Mckenna
(Casares costa, Malaga )

Experienced Occupational health nurse, Wellness consultant and Advanced yoga teacher . Particularly interested in workplace health promotion , prevention and organization of workplace wellness.

Type of role you are looking for:
Currently seeking to work with business's in the area of workplace wellness

What makes you a great candidate:
I have spent my previous 5 years working in a large multinational organization where I managed facilitated and drove the workplace wellness initiative.
We won platinum for three years globally and we also won the Global business group in health award for our program in 2019.
I have 25 years clinical experience and 8 years holistic health experience . I am extremely passionate in the area of preventative health and endeavor to make a difference to employee health and wellbeing

Previous experience:
Occupational health specialist - Dell technologies
Furtgher clinical experience non- exhaustive please refer to Linkedin :

Languages you speak: English and beginner Spanish

Email address: Deemckennawellbeing@gmail.com

Website : www.deemckenna.com

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