Doctor offering dextrose-injection treatment for a damaged knee?

by john

Damaged knee in Marbella

Damaged knee in Marbella

We would be so grateful if anyone is able to suggest how we might get in touch with a doctor or clinic in the Malaga/Marbella area who are known to you as having proven good experience with dextrose treatment for damaged knees.

My very special wife is in continual pain and it seems to be getting worse … apart from sheer ordinary loving concern, I am age 82 and with advanced arthritis I am a terrible burden for her with her knee problem.

We would be so very grateful if anyone is able to help, or could suggest a source who might be able to help us find the expertise my wife needs.

With great, great respect.

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Jun 24, 2015
Dextrose Injections
by: Marbella Family

Here is a response from one of the family-focused medical centres in Marbella, Hospital CERAM


After speaking with Doctors here, they are unsure of anywhere locally that provides Dextrose injections as the results and effectiveness are still unclear.

We would recommend that the patient see our doctor before confirming the best treatment option for their specific condition however, we do have a few options available should they wish to move forward. Our team can inject various form of vitamins and/or growth factors to improve the condition or another alternative would be a hyaluronic injection, all of which to reduce pain and discomfort.

Our team are able to offer a consultation as soon as required so please keep me informed and let me know if we can assist further.

Kind regards,

Sarah at Hospital CERAM
+34 640 696 528

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