Cudeca Foundation

November 16, 2009. The period for the pledge to Cudeca is closed.

The awareness campaign for the Cancer Care Hospice in Malaga has finished with the following result: from October 24th and November 15th, 2009, 343 visitors have read this page.

As pledged, Marbella Family will donate 343 euros to the Hospice on behalf of all our visitors!

The WOW FACTOR 2009, a talent competition to raise funds for Cudeca, the cancer care hospice, will take place from October 24th to November 15th in Gibraltar and the Costa del Sol.

Our family is currently blessed with good health, but in the past few years we have lost both our grandmothers / mothers to cancer and heartily support the fantastic labor performed by this center for families of the Malaga province.

As a family, we would like to make a special effort for this Hospice during the period of the WOW FACTOR competition, and have decided to pledge one euro for every unique visitor to this page until November 15th (up to a maximum of one thousand euros).

So please read first about Cudeca´s labor, leave your email below, and we will donate one euro on your behalf after November 15th.

Cudeca at the service of Malaga province

Cudeca is an acronym for Cuidados del Cancer (Cancer Care). It is a non-governmental and non-profit organization that depends entirely on the support of the community for its finances.

Its principal objective is to offer specialized palliative care to patients suffering from terminal cancer and to support their family during the illness and in the bereavement process. Care and attention is given in out-patients clinics, in-patient unit, day care and home visits. Remarkably, the care is offered completely free of charge to those patients and families who need it and who live in the Province of Malaga.

With running costs for the Hospice exceeding € 2.1 million each year, fund raising is vitally important to Cudeca. Funds are raised through sponsored events, sales of commemorative tiles, coin collecting tins, corporate sponsorship, legacies and benefactors who commit to making regular contributions.

The work done by this care center over the last 15 years has been a tremendous accomplishment and an invaluable support to many families in the province. The sustainability of this labor depends on all of us. The Hospice has sufficient funding to ensure its services during 2009, but faces a future with major uncertainties due to the financial crisis and the reduced value of the British pound. The challenge to cover costs without curtailing services (like the in-patient unit) is a complex process repeated every year.

WOW Factor 2009

Our family heard first about the Cancer Care Hospice about 2 years ago listening to REM FM (now called Talk Radio Europe), the main English-speaking radio station of the Costa del Sol. The radio has done an amazing job at raising the profile of the Hospice and at spreading the word about the numerous fund raising events regularly taking place.

One of the best promoted initiatives has been the launch of the WOW Factor, the local flavor of the ´X Factor´. The event was a great success in 2008. It is being expanded in 2009 with contestants´ selection taking place over two locations, Gibraltar and Fuengirola, from October 24th to November 1st. Twelve contestants will be selected to participate in a grand Finale Show on November 15th in Benalmadena´s Torrequebrada Hotel.

Marbella Family Pledge

We hope that you have been moved by the labor of love performed by the Cancer Care Hospice and will give them your support in any way you can.

For our part, we pledge to donate one euro to Cudeca for every unique visitor to this page until midnight of November 15th, 2009, and up to a maximum of one thousand euros.

In order to monitor the number of visitors, please leave your e-mail below and we will donate one euro on your behalf (only one pledge by visitor!).

One euro Cudeca pledge by Marbella Family

How can we help? Let us know below.

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