Adult, amateur orchestra/chamber groups?

by Chris
(Bahia Casares, Estepona)

Hi... Are there any amateur orchestras or chamber groups in Marbella/Estepona area? I am a retired teacher who spends a lot of time in Estepona area, and a keen viola player. Is there anywhere I could join in? Many thanks. Chris

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Jan 29, 2022
Orchestra and chamber music
by: Karen V

Hello, I’m hoping to move to Estepona area in the next two years and will be looking for a string quartet to play with. I play the violin and like playing chamber music by Shostakovich, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Schubert.

I’m visiting Estepona in September 2022.

Sep 21, 2021
Amateur Orchestras
by: David

Hello Chris
I was interested to read your message, I play the violin and have been in Spain one year mostly in Malaga and now in Ronda and have had very little success in finding any organised amateur music making.
Recently I noticed:
I contacted them, they meet on Saturdays in Malaga which is quite a long way for me so I haven’t yet decided whether to go or not, he did say they were flexible as to how many rehearsals you went to so maybe I might go once a fortnight.
There is another orchestra in Málaga
called Collegium Musicum or something similar, they had to stop because of Covid but may have started up again. Now things are beginning to get back to normal maybe more groups will appear.
I hope you find something of interest.
Best of luck
David Sampson

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